Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My goals.

In reading my learning goal is:
To sound words out that I don't know. And read better then last year.

To achieve this goal I need:
To work hard and not get distracted, and read more often.

In writing my goal is to:
Check my spelling when I am finished before I post it on my blog.

To achieve this goal I need:
To sit on my own well doing my work to get better at my work and to proof read my work carefully.

In maths my goal is to:
Learn some of my timetables my 4,6,7,8, and 12’s and answer them in my head quickly .


  1. I'm looking forward to working with you to achieve these goals Te Rina.
    Mrs Nua

  2. Hi Terina you have really challenging goals I hope you can Get them done good luck ;) and thank you for posting a comment on my holiday high light

  3. Hi Te Rina good goals you have to achieve this year i hope you can achieve them good luck :D


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