Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake

At 12:51 there was terrible quake in Christchurch,buildings were damaged and some were on fire. People were bleeding on the side of there face,legs,arms and hands.The most famous building is Cathedral it was crushed. more than 60 people died there was smoke in buildings and there was smoke every were.Cars,vans and ambulance had rocks on them.There were cracks on the roads and in the shops. It was just a big rubble and it was dangerous people are trying to save kids and adults right under buildings and in houses. people don't have any were to sleep because they cant get to there houses.Some people have been sleeping in tents in the park and in damage buildings.This is the 2Nd quake that has hit Christchurch. People are going to be in damaged buildings for a few days in till people save them.Some family's have died and that is very sad for the kids and family's in Christchurch.please god bless the people in Christchurch.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Te Rina,

    That was some great writing. I loved all of the interesting vocab that you used. You explained what happened really well. It is so sad how many people died isn't it. And next time you post something on your blog make sure that you always check it properly.
    Keep up the awesome writing.



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